Debbie Then

Since becoming a successful DJ at Magic 89.9 and VJ for MYX music channel, Debbie Then has had a hard time making good and healthy food choices.
Her busy schedule and late night hosting events make it tempting to give in to easy food like fast food and junk food, which we all know can easily cause weight gain and more serious health issues in the long-term.

As Debbie narrates on her Instagram post:
“My days have grown longer through the demands of my job and the work it takes to progress in other fields that I’m trying to break into.
And ever since I dived right into it, I'll admit I’ve been neglecting my body's needs. Gorging on junk food for the past two months-
it’s easily accessible and a quick fix- has set my stamina back and the mere task of taking the stairs has got me feeling the junk in my arteries.”

And now, we feast with guiltless pleasure! Swipe left for my first day menu 🍴✨ ➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖ Thank you to @lunchboxdietph for helping me get right with my dietary needs! My days have grown longer through the demands of my job and the work it takes to progress in other fields that I'm trying to break into. And ever since I dived right into it, I'll admit I've been neglecting my body's needs. Gorging on junk food for the past two months- it's easily accessible and a quick fix- has set my stamina back and the mere task of taking the stairs has got me feeling the junk in my arteries. So thank god I finally found a meal plan place that not only delivers according to your time preference AND customizes your meals too! Now just to set things straight, I'm not dieting to be skinny. I'd consider myself to be quite svelte as is. I'm actually doing this to treat my body right and maintain a certain weight and look. This plus exercising whenever my schedule permits, just so I can be the best me I can possibly be. It's not about being skinny, it's about being healthy inside and out. So for all you hungry dreamers on the go, don't forget to think about your body okay? And for those who truly know me, you know I'm not big on greens. But I've been eating them, I promise! New body, who dis? 💁🏻✨

A post shared by Debbie Then (@debbie_then) on

So what does this quirky and witty young lady from Brunei decide to do? Call up Lunchbox Diet!

As Debbie’s chosen diet delivery service, we were very happy to provide the convenience that she’s been looking for
and prove that easy food doesn’t need to be unhealthy!

Debbie adds:
“Thank god I finally found a meal plan that not only delivers according to your
time preference AND customizes your meals too!”

Japan, delivered 🇯🇵✨ ➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖ Aside from the great convenience @lunchboxdietph has brought into my life, they've also decided to make it extra festive! Absolutely love the concept of themed meals! This time around, they tried out a Japanese inspired set which included a collaboration with Fishta Seafood, featuring their grilled Pompano! Standing out from a majority of the popular Salmon and Tuna servers, they decided to incorporate a swimmer I'm not too familiar with but the quality surely did not disappoint! The Pompano was meaty, tender and flavorful- especially when paired with the provided sauce. Unlike most fish fillets, this did not flake or fall apart, you could truly taste every bit of the tasty meat. I just have one thing to ask, "Can I have some more please?" 🙏🏻🍴✨

A post shared by Debbie Then (@debbie_then) on

Since Debbie has an unpredictable schedule, she opted for our “Same-Day Delivery” where she receives her meals Monday to Friday, around 10 a.m.
Our in-house dietician also helped Debbie find the right calorie meal plan—1500kcal, which was based on her fitness goals.

As she explains:
“Just to set things straight, I’m not dieting to be skinny. I’d consider myself to be quite svelte as is. I’m actually doing this to treat my body right and maintain a certain weight and look.
This plus exercising whenever my schedule permits, just so I can be the best me I can possibly be. It’s not about being skinny, it’s about being healthy inside and out.”

Do you also have a busy schedule that prevents you from eating right?
Worried about gaining weight, getting sick, or just want to eat better to maintain your health?
Worry no more! Just like Debbie, you can make it easy to eat healthy with the convenience of Lunchbox Diet delivery!

Take a look at our weekly menu and order our nutritious and delicious meals instantly.

Not sure what calorie meal plan suits your needs? Get a Free Consulation with our In-house dietician here.